Saturday, February 4, 2012

More Fun

This is my third attempt to get this blog out.  We have been having some internet problems.  My iPad will open a window but when I try to do other things it will not respond.  I have now realized that I need to write everything directly onto Bills computer.

It has been so cold here lately (I think that you have all heard) we have had problems with the van starting.  So a couple of nights ago a gentleman from Agape came over and between him and Bill they were able to get it started.   At first we were disappointed that we did not have a van because we were not able to run some errands, but we soon realized what a blessing it was because we got to spend a lot of time reconnecting with the kids that we got to know in September, and we were able to become friends with the new kids.

Yesterday morning I spent about two hours with Alona and three of the kids learning english.  At the moment the teaching is a bit scattered until we are able to buy a copier and print copies for homework.  We sat around learning until everyone's brain's were full.

We have a a little more time with the kids during the day then we normally will, since all the schools are closed because of the cold.  Most of the schools do not have very good heat.

At one point one of the boys remembered the jigsaw puzzle that we bought for them in October, that was about half done when we left, and they wanted us to help them get it started again (Bill had the bright idea of getting a 1,500 piece one and I think it is a bit overwhelming for them at times).   I was at the puzzle with a couple of the girls and a couple of the boys and Bill spent most of the night with Sasha being....for lack of a better word... MEN!!!

We have a better understanding of why some of the boys are no longer in the Joshua House (where we're living).  Before Andrey and Alona became the house parents there was a different couple here that apparently had no rules,  and all of the boys basically did whatever they wanted.  This does not go along with what Agape is trying to accomplish at the transitional centers.  Agape is trying to give the boys and girls a sense of family that works together in a household, while teaching them Christian values.  This means chores, schedules, rules, etc...  Some of the boys decided that they liked being able to do what they wanted, so they they have chosen to live on their own.  We are happy to say they are all still going to Friends Club, a Christian club that has praise and worship along with life building/Christian building skills.

The above was written yesterday; the below is today's story:

Today we woke up and ran errands.  Agape was given some carpets for the house, and we had to run into town to have the ends sewn so they would not unravel.  Sasha, Vadim, Anton, Alona, Bill and I all went.  We were in the open air market MAZE.  I am so very thankful that Bill and I did not have to try and do this alone, as we would have been lost for sure.  Wow!!!

I know we were a spectacle.  Each one of us had a roll of carpet and people in the shops kept making comment and kind of giggling at us.  Can you imagine five people in small, narrow, winding paths with roll's of carpet on their shoulder's making their way to the carpet store?  Very, very funny.

While Alona waited for the carpets to be sewn the boys took us shopping.  Bill wanted an official Russian fur hat.  He decided that he looks very Russian now.  Afterward we took the boys and Alona to McDonalds in the next town about 30 minutes away.  I wish Bill and I were better at bringing our camera everywhere.  After grabbing a table, Bill worked with the boys trying to order.  Most of them have never ordered at a fast food restaurant before AND most of them ordered two sandwiches.  After we ate we all had ice-cream.  I wish, I wish I had a picture to show you the smiles that were on their faces and the wonderful full bellies.  They all fell asleep in the van on the way home.  God is working!

We got home and everyone took some quiet time in their rooms until dinner.  Bill and I watched a movie (yeah english).

It is now after dinner, and we are sitting around doing puzzles and playing with the iPad's photo booth.  We will hopefully figure out how to attach some of the photo's.

We are also attaching a picture of the INSIDE of the front door; crazy.  That's ice you see!  Did we mention that it's cold here?

Bill and I bought six pairs of gloves yesterday (thank you small group).  The boys and Andrey were so excited they were wearing them around in the house.  Today they came to great use.

Thats it for now.  Tomorrow is church and whatever God wants us to do.
Karen & Bill

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