Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day One

Feb 1, 2012  (Day One in Kherson)
It took us three days but we finally made it to Kherson.  We left Colorado on Sunday the 29th and arrived in Kiev on the 30th.  From the airport we took a cab to our wonderful friend Karen Springs’ uncles home.  We informed her that if she was to show up at Grace Place, most of the members would know her because of the hospitality she has shown all of us.  We met her cousins, three very smart, well behaved and friendly children, and had a lot of fun talking with them.
After resting up, and having lunch in Kiev with Karen, we took the 9:45 p.m. train to Kherson.  We didn’t have any trouble finding the right train and the right car, but imagine if you can Bill taking two 50# suitcases, at the same time, down a hallway that barely fits one.  Oh my.  I think it was a bit frustrating, but we kept thinking of Kris Stoesz‘ comment about their giggles on the trains, and that helped.  We had many giggles of our own, and a few outbursts of laughter.
We’ve heard many stories about the “shake and bake”, most of them not pleasant, but for me it wasn’t bad at all.  First, I like being warm, and I think the rocking of the train put me to sleep.  I got into bed, said good night to Bill, and was sound asleep for the night.
Bill, on the other hand, was sweating so much he took the duct tape and taped off the heating vents.  The rocking motion woke him up rather than putting him to sleep.  
I know God was really watching out for us since we ended up in a train car where no one was smoking so we didn’t need to tape the door shut.  Speaking of smoking; do you remember when Coloradans were allowed to smoke in restaurants?  When we had lunch with Karen Springs I kept looking for the non-smoking area.  It was right next to the smoking area.  Funny how we forget...
Wednesday morning, now the first of February, Andre’ (the Kherson house parent) met us at the train station and waited for Alex Fedorchuk with us.  It was FREEZING COLD!  One degree above zero, and very humid and windy.  Welcome to Ukraine!  
We arrived at the Joshua House with lots of hugs waiting for us.  We’re sad to learn that about half of the boys we lived with in October have moved out, but there are others that have moved in that we will get to love on.  
One of the new girls need a lot of hugs.  She is not quite sure what to do when I hug her but she is friendly and we started to talk (neither of us speaks the other’s language) and hang out a bit in the evening.
Everyone worked hard prior to our return.  Our bedroom and bathroom are very clean and we have curtains in the windows.  They have been turning the house into a home, by hanging pictures on the walls and putting plants on the window sills.  It really looks great.
The kids seem happy and healthy, and we are excited to start doing God’s work in their lives.  
God Bless you all,


  1. yeah! thanks for the update! Glad you are there- safe and sound!

  2. Thanks so much for the update. I know God has put just the right kids in the home for you two to love on and make a difference in their lives.

  3. So proud of you guys!
